In First Corinthians 12:14-27, the Apostle Paul informs us that the body of Christ is made up of many different kinds of members. I believe that Christian ministries are also very different from one another. Some have strictly spiritual goals while others have a strong emphasis on societal change or meeting the physical needs of the poor. Together with the church, these ministries are part of the universal body of Christ, it is good that we are one body made up of many members that differ in function.
My wife Doreen and I came to the Lord in 1972 in the Buffalo, New York area. During those early days, I had the privilege of being mentored by the Rev. Albert Reid, a retired Missionary Evangelist. It was a great honor for a new Christian to sit under such a man of God. To this day, I still remember many of the things he taught me.
Although we only ministered together on one occasion (it was my first time to minister and his last), that day changed my life forever. As I was driving him home that cold snowy winter night in Western New York, he turned to me and asked, “What is the Kingdom of God?”. I wasn’t quite sure what he meant but I answered,"Is it heaven?”. He looked at me and said, “That is partially true but there is much more. Find out what the Kingdom is and God will send you around the world in ministry.” My time with Pastor Al was brief but fruitful for soon after that special evening, he went home to be with the Lord. From that time until the present, his son, Bishop Tommy Reid, has been my spiritual father and mentor.He taught me much more concerning the Kingdom. Both his life and ministry overflow with Kingdom theology and lifestyle. But more than anyone, it is the Holy Spirit who has made the Kingdom a present-day reality.
The challenge of knowing the King and His Kingdom has taken me on an exciting journey. I have learned much about the Kingdom since that night.However, I feel as if I have just begun, for the Kingdom of God is a paradox abounding with much mystery. That night’s experience perhaps best explains my quest to better understand, proclaim, and demonstrate the KINGDOM OF GOD.
Doreen and I have been working with the Filipino people since 1979 from our home base in Cebu city. Throughout the years, we have been involved in many different kinds of work including church work, drug rehabilitation, student ministry, feeding the poor, and working with street children. Basically, all of our work flowed from our theological perspective of the Kingdom of God, which is a theological understanding that God is interested in the whole man - body, soul, and spirit.
We see the Filipino people fulfilling their prophetic destiny globally.
We see a Church offering its Love and Life to the King through Worship that is Intense, Intimate, Excellent, and Extravagant.
We see a center for Revival in Southeast-Asia flowing from Cebu.
We are called to REACH, EQUIP, SEND.
WORSHIP GOD intensely, intimately, excellently, and extravagantly; to be a SPIRITUAL FAMILY in COVENANT COMMUNITY, used by God to EQUIP THE CHURCH and TRAIN LEADERS, that we may have a part in PROCLAIMING the GOOD NEWS of the KINGDOM OF GOD in the POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT to our generation.